Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recognise our past greats like Super Mokh

OF LATE we have been honouring many sportsmen and women for their contributions to the country. We also have not forgotten proponents of sports and many of them have their contributions recognised with various titles and other incentives.

What saddens me most is that the nation has forgotten the great contributions of the late Mokhtar Dahari or Super Mokh (pic) as he was aptly called in the world of football.

Mokhtar Dahari not only gave everything to football but also his life. Tragically he died when he was at his peak. He would have been a living legend had he been still alive today.

We must not forget the great contributions Mokhtar Dahari made. There were many greats from his era, but everyone will agree with me that Mokhtar Dahari was the greatest.

His knowledge of the game was total, and he gave everything to the game he loved. Whenever he played, be it for the state or the nation, he would give his all. His focus was total and his aim was to win. Nothing else.
This man was special. This man was total. This man was made for football.

I am shattered that he has not been recognised for his contributions and commitment to football, whether by his state or his nation.

It is as if he has been totally forgotten. Something must be done to recognise this great sportsman. Something tangible. Something that can inspire the sportsmen and women of today.

Stadium Bukit Jalil should be named after the prolific Super Mokh. It should be renamed Stadium Mokhtar Dahari. That is the ultimate honour the state and the country can give him. It also cannot be too late to bestow him with other awards.

I would also like to suggest a Hall of Fame for sportsmen and sportswomen of the nation. This is another way of recognising the contributions of sportsmen and women — past and present.

This will be a real boost to our sportsmen and women to perform well in all tournaments.


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