Monday, January 28, 2013

Master of the sport, mentor to many

FORMER BA of Malaysia (BAM) president Tan Sri Elyas Omar (pic) yesterday mourned the death of his dear friend, Datuk Eddy Choong, saying it was a great loss for Malaysia badminton and the national association.

Elyas, who admired the seven-time All England champion, said Eddy loved the sport so much that he was always ready to contribute.

Elyas said Eddy became his personal consultant during his tenure as BAM president between 1985 and 1993. Although Eddy never held an official position in BAM, Elyas said their common interest in badminton made them close friends.

"I'm shocked. Eddy was in good health and in joyful mood when we met several months ago," said Elyas.

"He had helped Malaysian badminton and BAM in particular. It is a huge loss.
"Eddy was always willing to contribute and never shied away from offering his advice and opinion. He was such a great personality.

"It was during my tenure as BAM president that we became such close friends."
Former All England champion Datuk Tan Yee Khan also paid tribute to Eddy, and said he became an established player after training under the latter in the 1960s.

"It's a sad moment for all of us. I dedicate my improvement as a player to Eddy as I trained with him at his house.

"Eddy taught me how to beat the best," said Yee Khan.

"He was a great player and created the attacking lobs, serving extremely high to frustrate players.
"He was a superb tactician and the reason behind my victories over Danish great Erland Kops during my days as a singles payer. Very few can boast of having his knowledge and ideas."

Former international Datuk James Selvaraj said Eddy played a big part in contributing to developing stars like Yee Khan, Ng Boon Be and 1966 All England champion Tan Aik Huang.
"I have seen him train Aik Huang and other national players at SBA Hall in Kampung Attap," said Selvaraj.

"He was always at hand to help any badminton enthusiast and was a well known figure worldwide.
"It is really difficult to endure a second loss (after Datuk Punch Gunalan) in less than six months.
"I also brought some of the national back-up players to Yee Khan's resort in Pangkor where Eddy gave a talk to them for about two hours. He was very sincere and badminton had been everything to him."
Current BAM president Datuk Seri Nadzmi Salleh described Eddy as a person with strong opinions but voiced them in a polite manner.

"Eddy was strongly opinionated but sent his message across in a polite manner," he said.
"When I became president, he was one of the former players who came forward with so many ideas. He was a real sporting person." By K.M. Boopathy

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