Thursday, June 18, 2009

Aid for ailing Alwi

Sports Minister Datuk Shabery Cheek (right) visits bed-ridden former national cycling coach Alwi Ahmad at his home yesterday. Alwi’s son former national cyclist Rosman is second from right. PIC: MOHD YUSNI ARIFFIN
Sports Minister Datuk Shabery Cheek (right) visits bed-ridden former national cycling coach Alwi Ahmad at his home yesterday. Alwi’s son former national cyclist Rosman is second from right. PIC: MOHD YUSNI ARIFFIN

FORMER national cycling coach Alwi Ahmad's two-year struggle following a stroke finally gets the much needed attention and assistance from the Sports Ministry, National Sports Institute (NSI) and National Athletes Welfare Foundation (Yakeb).

Alwi, who has nurtured numerous national cyclists including his famous son Rosman Alwi since becoming a coach in 1977, suffered a stroke for the second time in 2007 and has been bed-ridden.

Rosman and his siblings have been supporting Alwi, 76, and NSI and Yakeb, after having learnt about Alwi's condition, have been providing the basic needs since last month.

NSI has been providing a special milk formula as Alwi is unable to consume solid food while Yakeb has been contributing disposable diapers.

Sports Minister Datuk Shabery Cheek visited Alwi at his home in Kampung Datuk Keramat in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The NSI also presented Alwi with a bed and a special inflatable mattress.
Rosman, 47, said that his father has battled on despite the sufferings, and the latest contribution from the ministry, NSI and Yakeb, will ease the family's burden.

"He (Alwi) was active in coaching until 2002 but has been bed-ridden for two years now.

"We have been taking care of his medical needs and I am grateful for what the minister, NSI and Yakeb have done for him," said Rosman.

"The milk costs about RM79 a tin and only lasts for three days and father needs at least five changes of diapers a day. The contribution is very handy," he said.

Shabery said the ministry and NSI will continue to help Alwi. He also applauded Yakeb's pro-active moves in looking after the welfare of athletes.

"We will do whatever possible to look after Alwi and also other former athletes who are in need.

"I'm glad that Yakeb is up and running and has already started contributing to the cause," said Shabery.

"Yakeb has set up many programmes including the 1Ringgit 1Malaysia campaign and we will assist them in whatever way possible to help them reach out to the needs of the athletes."


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